Adobe Target - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

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Websites using Adobe Target

Description of Adobe Target: Adobe Target is an A/B testing, multi-variate testing, personalisation, and optimisation application

Adobe Target is used by 0.97% of websites in the Marketing automation category.

Business and Finance is the most popular main category among the websites using Adobe Target.

Auto Body Styles is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using Adobe Target.

The technologies that are most often used together with Adobe Target are Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service, Adobe Analytics, jQuery, Adobe Experience Platform Launch, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook, Java, Adobe Experience Manager, Bootstrap.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using Adobe Target may also be interested in using these other technologies: Adobe Experience Platform Launch, Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Experience Manager, Java, TrustArc, Ensighten, DoubleClick Floodlight, Marketo, Adobe DTM.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using Adobe Target

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with Adobe Target

Technology% of use together with Adobe TargetWebsite
Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service86.17
Adobe Analytics80.53
Adobe Experience Platform Launch77.71
Google Tag Manager70.25
Google Analytics59.93
Adobe Experience Manager44.15

Technologies that are most interesting for website using Adobe Target, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Adobe Experience Platform Launch0.64
Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service0.63
Adobe Analytics0.61
Adobe Experience Manager0.44
DoubleClick Floodlight0.22
Adobe DTM0.2

Distribution of domains using Adobe Target over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to Adobe Target

Adobe Target is a personalization and A/B testing tool that allows businesses to deliver relevant content and experiences to their customers. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data, and then delivers personalized recommendations and experiences across various digital channels such as websites, mobile apps, and email. Adobe Target provides marketers with a user-friendly interface to set up and run A/B tests, create personalized experiences, and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Practical Applications of Adobe Target

1. Personalized website content based on user behavior and preferences.
2. A/B testing to optimize website design and functionality.
3. Targeted email campaigns based on user behavior and preferences.
4. Cross-selling and up-selling recommendations based on user purchase history.
5. Predictive analytics to deliver tailored content and promotions to individual users.
6. Geo-targeted content and promotions based on user location.
7. Dynamic content optimization to deliver the most effective message to each user.

Benefits and Advantages of Adobe Target

- Personalization of digital experiences for individual users
- Improved conversion rates and customer engagement
- Enhanced targeting capabilities for marketing campaigns
- A/B testing and optimization of website content
- Integration with other Adobe Marketing Cloud products for a seamless workflow
- Real-time reporting and analytics for measuring the success of campaigns
- Automated decision-making based on user behavior and data analysis

Distribution of domains using Adobe Target over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using Adobe Target

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
microsoft.comTechnology & ComputingComputing7.82
playstation.comVideo GamingConsole Games6.63
samsung.comTechnology & ComputingConsumer Electronics6.52
webmd.comMedical HealthDiseases and Conditions6.28
ups.comBusiness and FinanceBusiness6.19
lg.comHome & GardenHome Appliances6
worldbank.orgBusiness and FinanceInternational News5.97
verizon.comTechnology & ComputingHome Utilities5.97
att.comBusiness and FinanceComputing5.89
nvidia.comTechnology & ComputingArtificial Intelligence5.87

Less popular websites using Adobe Target

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
winslowfordonline.comAutomotiveAuto Body Styles0
havolinediamond4u.comBusiness and FinanceAuto Parts0
laquintasandiegochulavista.comTravelTravel Type0
telcovehosting.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries0
midwayfordwv.comAutomotiveAuto Type0

Distribution of domains using Adobe Target over 1 million most popular domains

Distribution of domains using Adobe Target over domain ages

The average age of websites using Adobe Target is 16.6 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using Adobe Target is 2.78.

5 technologies that are less often used together with Adobe Target

Technology% of use together with Adobe TargetWebsite